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    Luta Livre: The Unique Brazilian Martial Art (Hidden Treasure)
    Have you ever heard of Luta Livre? It's a Brazilian martial art that is often overlooked in favor of more popular styles like Jiu-Jitsu. However, Luta Livre has a lot to offer, and it could be the perfect martial art for you! In this article, we will discuss what Luta Livre is and how it compares to other Brazilian martial arts. We will also explore the techniques used in this unique style.
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: What Is Submission Fighting?
    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that focuses on ground fighting. It is one of the most popular martial arts in the world, and many people regard it as the best form of self-defense. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is often considered a...
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    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu vs Luta Livre (The Rivalry You Need To Know)
    If you're a fan of martial arts, then you know that Brazil is responsible for some of the most influential styles in the world. Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Luta Livre are two of the most popular martial arts in Brazil, and both have a passionate following. So, which one is better? In this article, we will compare Luta Livre vs BJJ and revisit historic battles between the two martial arts and see who comes out on top!
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    The Rise of BJJ: When Did This Martial Art Become So Popular?

    BJJ has become one of the most popular martial arts in the world. But when did it become so popular? What is it about BJJ that has captured the imaginations of people all over the planet?

    In this blog post, we will take a look at the history of BJJ and explore why it has become so popular in recent years and why this sport is here to stay and not just a passing trend.

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